Sunday, November 23, 2008

Just another day and some bad news...

It has been a rather uneventful couple weeks. Just hanging out and so forth. On the other hand we have had another dose of sad news this last week. My sisters baby, Syd the Squid (3 yrs. old), was diagnosed with a birth defect called Chiari Malformation I. It is a serious neurological disorder where the bottom part of the brain, the cerebellum, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine and causing many symptoms. They did a MRI on her because she was having a series of headaches. We will find out what the neurologist will want to do on Monday. So please for all of you out there can you remember her in your prayers.
These are just some pics of the kids doing every day activities. They love to be outdoors. I must say that my son will be in construction some day. He loves digger and any kind of construction equipment there is. He also loves the dirt and loves to move it (as you can see).
Gabby is still not crawling. We put her on her tummy alot. She is getting better. She loves this bouncer that my sister lent us when I had Cash. He was a crazy man in it. Gabby is not so much. She likes it though. Especially in the door way to the back yard. She watches the dogs and Cash. We are also working on her being in Cash's room. I finally get my room back. Yea me! The kids also dig bath time. Gabby is a nut job. She splashes the whole time. And what is funny is it makes Cash crazy. Can you believe it Cash, the water dog, gets nuts about being splashed! She loves her brother and he loves her. They are starting to play with each other. And they both love our dogs. It is fun to watch them all interact. I am very glad we have the to monkey dogs. When you sit and watch TV Squirt likes to snuggle up with you.

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my life said...

make sure she has a Chiari expert . There are several all over the US . dR. fRIM in Chicago, Dr. Menenez in Iows city Iowa , Dr. Ellenbogan in Seattle , wa
check with . we can help

my life said...

and make sure its a NEUROSURGEON not a Neurologist .