Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am starting to blog!!

My sister just set this blog up for me. I am way excited to do it. Here are som pictures that were taken at my sisters house this summer. We went the zoo with my parents, Lorna and her kids, and Kandiss. It was so fun but very HOTT!!!!! Cash was alot of fun but very busy. We couldn't keep up with him. Oh I forgot we went to the Aqurium too and Cash loved it. Gabby not so much.

1 comment:

Nekiya said...

Your blog is cute. Its kinda hard to read though. I am ready for another weekend. How sad is that its only been 3/4 days and im ready again. I'm so done with my life that I laugh. I think that everything has made me go crazy that I life at my hartach. Be happy k. Your mom is super strong ad she will overcome this. Let me know if you need anything I'm here for you. I dont really get how to do this blog thing so I hope you get this.