Monday, November 3, 2008


So the last couple weeks have been centered around Halloween. Last weekend Ben and I went to our friends bday party/Halloween party. I went as a vampire and Ben was a fat plumber with his butt crack showing. It was a fun time to see people I have not seen for a year or more. But it got kind of boring just hanging out. So I was glad to go when we did. Plus, when you got kids you seem to get tired earlier.

So then this weekend was Halloween! We went to Ben's mom's. We had homemade chicken noodle soup and rolls. And then my parents came over just in time to take Cash trick or treatin'. He was hilarious. He was a crazy man. He was running as fast as he could. He was a dragon and the suite was so round in the belly when he ran it was so funny. When we got to the doors he would just walk into people's homes. Gabby was a lady bug.

We were at the Gibson's home, Cash went in and started playing with toys and Ben went in after him. Then the rest of Cash's cousins went in too. Ben was freaking out to get the kids out. It was funny because there was a big window by the door and you could see what was going on. It was so hilarious! I am glad though we knew the Gibsons.

We also had my aunt Karen come with her kids. MickeyD had her baby, Jazlyn, only a couple weeks old. She is cute as can be. It was fun to have them here.
On Saturday we went over to my uncle Josh's house to help put in a sprinkling system. It was hard work for some but we definately got in some good laughs. I also finally got see their new baby, Aiden. He looks just like his daddy. I want to give a special thanks to Ben. He was on the trencher for 4 hours. Bless his back!

Before I end I just am so happy the leaves here are FINALLY changing. Fall is my favorite time of the year. Here it doesn't last long because it starts sooo late. But I am in heaven with the crisp, cool air. It really makes me smile. Along with my mom on the last leg of chemo. Yea for her. She is an inspiration to me. I love her dearly.


Larzipan said...

HO HO MAN! Those kids were CRAZY! Yeah, I'm glad we know the Gibson's too because my kid ran in there too! Cute pics :)

Ashlee said...

Tasha! Hey, girl! How are you doing? I really miss being able to walk several yards and be on your front steps to see you. Cash and Gabby are so cut in their costumes! I hope you Halloween was a great one! Miss ya!