Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Trip to S.L.C. with the kids...

Okay this weekend the kids and I had the opportunity to go up to S.L.C. with my parents. It was a squishy ride but we made it. It was a good ride up until we hit, about 15 miles out of Tooele (went the back way), the worst fog I had ever seen. We couldn't even see the lines. SCARY! We finally got there and it was late and the kids would NOT go to sleep. It was a long night.
We woke up and we got ready to go to Layton to see my Grandma Millgate. But when we got there she was not there. Retarded as it seemed to drive all the way up there we actually had a good time and we got a phone call on the way back that my cousin Mandy had her baby. He was month early and he needed heart surgery because of the aorta and holes in his heart (Sound familary to anyone?). So we went up to Primary Children's Hospital to see her. On our way in, my other cousin Mike jumped out of the cafeteria. Him and his wife were there because there baby that had received for foster care had RSV. He is only 3 weeks old. Cute as can be! I am so excited for them and it will be interesting to see how it goes with a baby that young. :) Long nights ahead! After having lunch with them and seeing the baby, we saw Mandy but not her baby because of the situation. He had surgery yesterday and he did okay except for a fever throughout the surgery and the doctors had a hard time stopping his bleeding. It took longer then they expected. But he is doing well now.
Then that night we went to my nieces performances. It was fun to see them in their costumes. I love them with all my heart. We had the opportunity to have the Strong's come. And DonnI (:)) and McKenna were so fun to watch dance. Cash got embarrassed. We had a good time. I love my family and the time we have to share. It is great to have the love and support of them all. And I want them all to know that if anyone needs anything, I am here to help in any way.
The video is of Gabby and her daddy dancing. Gabby's new thing is to clap and she loves music. And also Gabby finally cut a tooth!


Ashlee said...

Hey Missy! You should have called me! I am glad you got to spend sometime with your family. What a fun weekend. I am sorry to hear about your cousins little boy. If anyone knows what she is going through I do so if she ever needs any support you can have her call me. It would be interesting to know what exact problems he has. They sound the same as Karmindys. I hope he is doing well. Sounds like he has had a rough road. We took Karmindy into day to the Cardiologist and didn't get some uplifting news. They told us we just have to wait and time will tell with a few things. We take her in when she is 18 months old again. I am so glad that you got to spend time with your family Tash! I miss you so much and luv ya tons!

Ashlee said...

I totally understand about not having time. No worries, I am not upset. Ok that seriously is the funniest video ever. Ben cracks me up and that is probably the goofiest i have ever seen him. That is great! I enjoyed watching it. Thanks for sharing it. Gabby is such a cutie and I love the piggies.

Larzipan said...

Man! What a rough trip! I hope everything turns out okay for both of those little bebes! I'm glad somebody is finally documenting Ben's crazy moves on camera!

Kathlene and Jerry said...

Having you with us made our trip better even though it was a little more difficult. Kiss my kids. Kandiss kiss my girls and take care of our new baby.